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Prof. Dr. Johanna Gollnhofer ist Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin mit Fokus auf kundemzentrierten Marketing.

In ihrer Forschung beschäftigt sie sich mit KonsumentInnen, Marken und Nachhaltigkeit

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Academic GIFts: The Trouble with Understanding Exponential Growth

Academic GIFts: The Trouble with Understanding Exponential Growth

#ExponentialGrowth #LinearGrowth #LinearityBias The lack of understanding of exponential growth has been one of the biggest challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic. Amidst all the confusion, there is one thing the Corona crisis has made abundantly clear: wrapping our minds around the notion of exponential growth is hard. Many people have been surprised by the fact that hospitals could need only a couple of ventilators one day…and thousands of them soon thereafter. So, why is it that we seem to have trouble with the notion of exponential growth? The Research has shown that our thinking can be influenced by several kinds of biases. One such example is the linearity bias: We tend to process exponential growth as linear growth. Prof. Dr. Johanna Gollnhofer and Matthias Fuchs at the Institute of Customer Insight at the University of St.Gallen (ICI-HSG) show in this Academic GIFt, what is behind Exponential Growth. Academic GIFts: Was bedeutet exponentielles Wachstum? Inmitten all der Verwirrung hat die Corona-Krise eines überdeutlich gemacht: Es ist schwierig, uns mit dem Begriff des exponentiellen Wachstums zu befassen. Viele Menschen waren überrascht von der Tatsache, dass Krankenhäuser an einem Tag nur ein paar Beatmungsgeräte brauchen könnten…und bald darauf Tausende von ihnen. Wie kommt es also dazu, dass wir Probleme mit dem Begriff des exponentiellen Wachstums zu haben scheinen? Die Forschung hat gezeigt, dass unser Denken durch verschiedene Arten von Verzerrungen beeinflusst werden kann. Ein solches Beispiel ist die Verzerrung durch Linearität: Wir neigen dazu, exponentielles Wachstum als lineares Wachstum zu verarbeiten. Prof. Dr. Johanna Gollnhofer and Matthias Fuchs am Institute of Customer Insight der Universität St.Gallen (ICI-HSG) erklären in diesem Video das Phänomen des exponentiellen Wachstums. © University of St.Gallen (HSG) By Prof. Dr. Johanna Gollnhofer and Matthias Fuchs, Institute of Customer Insight at the University of St.Gallen (ICI-HSG) Produced by Zense: Follow us on Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud:

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Fuchs, M., Omlin, C., Naef, S.; Steiner, T.; Schumpf, E. & Gollnhofer, J. F. (2022): Cognitive Biases as Boosters: Using Cognitive Biases to Improve Communication Recall for Emmi Jogurtpur. Marketing Review St. Gallen.

Gollnhofer, J. F. & K. Bhatnagar (2021): Investigating Category Dynamics: An Archival Study Of The German Food Market, in: Organization Studies.

Bucher, J.H., M. Fuchs & J.F. Gollnhofer (2021): Schweizer Konsumentenverhalten und Markenkommunikation in der COVID-19 Pandemie, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen.

Gollnhofer, J.F, H. Weijo & J. W. Schouten (2019): Consumer Movements and Value Regimes: Fighting Food Waste in Germany by Building Alternative Object Pathways, in: Journal of Consumer Research.

Ottlewski, L. & J. F. Gollnhofer (2019): Private and Public Sector Platforms – Characteristics and Differences, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen.

Gallen A., J. McColl-Kennedy,  T. Barakshina, B. Figueirdo, J. GoJefferies, J. F. Gollnhofer et al. (2019): Transforming Community Well-Being Through Patients’ Lived Experiences, in: Journal of Business Research.

Gollnhofer, J. F. & A. Kuruoglu (2018): Grassroots Responzibilization and Makeshift Markets, in: Consumption, Markets and Culture.

Gollnhofer, J. F. & S. Schüller (2018): Sensing the Vocal Age: Managing Voice Touchpoints on Alexa, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen.

Gollnhofer, J. F. (2017): The Legitimation of a Sustainable Practice through Dialectical Adaptation in the Marketplace, in: Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.

Gollnhofer, J. F. (2017): Normalizing Alternative Practices: The Recovery, Distribution and Consumption of Food Waste, in: Journal of Marketing Management.

Gollnhofer, J. F. & J. W. Schouten (2017): Complementing the Dominant Social Paradigm with Sustainability, in: Journal of Macromarketing.

Otnes C., Mirabito A., et al., Gollnhofer J. F. et al. (2016): The Stigma Turbine: A Theoretical Framework for Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Marketplace Stigma, in: Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.

Gollnhofer, J. F., K. Hellwig & F. Morhart (2016): Fair is Good but What is Fair? Negotiations of Distributive Justice in an Emerging Non-Monetary Sharing Model, in: Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

Gollnhofer, J. F. & E. Turkina (2015): Distance and Entry Modes – Implications for Global Strategy Cultural, in: Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 22(5), pp. 21-41.

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